
What Is a Computer?

What is a Computer  : Computer is an electronic device that is designed to work with Information.  The term computer  is  derived from the Latin term  ‘ computare ’, this means to  calculate  or  programmable machine .  Computer can not do anything without a Program . It represents the decimal numbers through a string of binary digits. The Word 'Computer' usually refers to the Center Processor Unit plus Internal memory. Charles Babbage  is called the "Grand Father" of the computer. The First mechanical computer designed by Charles Babbage was called  Analytical Engine.  It uses read-only memory in the form of punch cards. Computer is an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as input from the user and processes these data under the control of set of instructions (called program) and gives the result (output) and saves output for the future use. It can process both numerical and non-numerical (arithmeti...

Problem Steps Recorder

Problem Steps Recorder Updated:  10/17/2017  by  Abdul Kareem Khan Yousafzai The  Problem Steps Recorder  ( PSR ) was introduced with  Windows 7  to record interactions with a program and provide relevant help information to reduce time spent troubleshooting. The picture below is an example of the Problem Steps Recorder. How do I use Problem Steps Recorder? To run the Problem Steps Recorder, click  Start  and in the run line type "problem steps." Then click the "Record steps to reproduce the problem" link. Once in the Problem Steps Recorder, click the Start Record button and repeat the steps you performed to get the error originally. While running through the steps, you can make a note to describe what you're doing by clicking the Add Comment button and then selecting the area in question. Upon completion, click Stop Record button and you'll be prompted to save the file. Save the .zip file in a location you'll remember, such as...

Use tab to auto complete commands in the command line

Use tab to auto complete commands in the command line Updated:  04/26/2017  by  Computer Hope When at the MS-DOS, Windows command line, or a Linux or Unix shell typing in long file names or directories can become a burden. Use the  tab key to auto complete the names of directories and files while in the command line. Below, are a few examples of how this can be done. MS-DOS and Windows command line users While at the prompt, typing in one or more letters a file or directory name contains will auto complete the name in alphabetical order. For example, when at the C:\> prompt type the below command. cd p After the above command has been typed, instead of pressing the enter press the tab key. When you press the tab key the first directory that begins with p will be automatically typed into the command. Continuing to press the tab key will cycle through all available directories including the "Program Files" directory. This shortcut can be used any time ...
How to add Google Chrome apps to a PC or Chromebook Updated: 19 /11/2018  by  Abdul Kareem Khan Yousafzai Google Chrome is currently the most popular web browser. It has a few unique features including the ability to not only download apps to your smartphone, but also to your desktop computer, laptop, and Chromebook. To learn how to download Google Chrome apps to these devices, follow the steps below. Add an app to a desktop computer, laptop, or Chromebook Open the  Google Chrome  Internet browser. Navigate to the  Chrome Web Store . On the left-hand side of the browser window,  click Apps . From here, you may either choose to  use the search bar  (shown above) or  scroll through the apps  suggested by Google. Once you've located the app you'd like to download,  click it, and then click  the   button. You should see a small prompt asking you to confirm your selection.  Click Add app . ...

Speed up tabbed browsing with OneTab

Speed up tabbed browsing with OneTab Updated:  08/03/2018  by  Abdul Kareem Khan Yousafazi For those users who like to have many  tabs  open at the same time, they know that it can be very taxing on their  RAM , thus slowing down their computer. However, there is a utility called  One Tab that can reduce the RAM usage of these extra tabs by up to 95%. This app is a Google Chrome  extension , but it works with Mozilla Firefox as well.  One Tab can be  downloaded from their website . Additional information See our  browser  and  tab  definition for further information and related links on this term.

Cleaning the computer and its components

Cleaning the computer and its components Updated: 20 /11/2018  by  Abdul Kareem Khan Yousafzai Cleaning your computer, components, and peripherals help keep everything in good working condition, helps prevent germs from spreading, and helps allow proper air flow. The picture shows a good example of just how dirty the inside of your computer case can get. Just looking at this picture it is immediately obvious that all the dust and dirt is going to prevent proper air flow and may even prevent the fan from working. How often should I clean my computer? General cleaning tips Cleaning tools Case cleaning CD-ROM, DVD, and other disc drives CD, DVD, and other discs cleaning Fan cleaning Hard drive cleaning Headphones cleaning Keyboard cleaning Laptop cleaning LCD/LED cleaning CRT Monitor cleaning Motherboard cleaning Mouse cleaning Printer cleaning Scanner cleaning Miscellaneous cleaning steps How often should I clean my computer? The frequency of how ...