simple setup1 )  open note paid file2)   paste this code

3) save and enjoy

@echo offcolor 2etitle CMD Snake Game    -CYANOMOBIif "%~1" == "startGame" goto :gameif "%~1" == "startController" goto :controller

set "choice="2>nul >nul choice /c:yn /t 0 /d yif errorlevel 1 if not errorlevel 2 set "choice=choice /cs"if not defined choice (  2>nul >nul choice /c:yn /t:y,1  if errorlevel 1 if not errorlevel 2 set "choice=choice /s")if not defined choice (  echo ERROR: This game requires the CHOICE command, but it is missing.  echo Game aborted. :(  echo(  echo A 16 bit port of CHOICE.EXE from FREEDOS is available at  echo  echo(  echo A 32 bit version from ??? suitable for 64 bit machines is available at  echo  echo(  exit /b)

set "keys=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"set "keyFile=key.txt"set "cmdFile=cmd.txt"set "highscoreFile=last score on !difficulty!.txt"

copy nul "%keyFile%" >nulstart "" /b "%~f0" startController 9^>^>%keyFile% 2^>nul ^>nulcmd /c "%~f0" startGame 9^<%keyFile% ^<nulecho(

:close2>nul (>>"%keyFile%" call )||goto :closedel "%keyFile%"exit /b:;ZemByte
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::gamesetlocal disableDelayedExpansiontitle %~nx0cls

set "up=W"set "down=S"set "left=A"set "right=D"
::Both max to 99! And width to 40 and height to 25!set "width=40"   max=99set "height=25"  max=99:: max playing field: (width-2)*(height-2) <= 1365

set /a cols=width+1, lines=height+10, area=(width-2)*(height-2)if %area% gtr 1365 (  echo ERROR: Playfield area too large  >"%cmdFile%" (echo quit)  exit)if %lines% lss 14 set lines=14if %cols% lss 46 set cols=46mode con: cols=%cols% lines=%lines%

set "spinner1=|"set "spinner2=/"set "spinner3=-"set "spinner4=\"set "spinner5=O"set "spinner6=$"set "spinner= spinner1 spinner2 spinner3 spinner4 spinner5 spinner6"
set "space= "set "bound=*"set "food=+"set "head=@"set "body=O"set "death=X"set "playerSpace=%space%%food%"
set "xDiff%up%=+0"set "xDiff%down%=+0"set "xDiff%left%=-1"set "xDiff%right%=+1"
set "yDiff%up%=-1"set "yDiff%down%=+1"set "yDiff%left%=+0"set "yDiff%right%=+0"
set "%up%Axis=Y"set "%down%Axis=Y"set "%left%Axis=X"set "%right%Axis=X"
set "delay1=20"set "delay2=16"set "delay3=12"set "delay4=7"set "delay5=5"set "delay6=3"set "delay0=0"
set "desc1=Mega Slow"set "desc2=Crawler"set "desc3=Slow"set "desc4=Normal"set "desc5=Fast"set "desc6=Insane"set "desc0=Impossible"
set "spinnerDelay=3"
set /a "width-=1, height-=1"

set LF=^

set ^"\n=^^^%LF%%LF%^%LF%%LF%^^"
:: setErr:::  Sets the ERRORLEVEL to 1set "setErr=(call)"
:: clrErr:::  Sets the ERRORLEVEL to 0set "clrErr=(call )"

set getKey=%\n%for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 (for /f "eol= delims= " %%1 in ("!args!") do (%\n%  set "validKeys=%%1"%\n%  set "key="%\n%  ^<^&9 set /p "key="%\n%  if defined key if "!key!" neq ":" (%\n%    set /a key-=1%\n%    for %%K in (!key!) do set "key=!keys:~%%K,1!"%\n%  )%\n%  for %%K in (!key!) do if "!validKeys:%%K=!" equ "!validKeys!" set "key="%\n%)) else set args=

set draw=%\n%cls%\n%for /l %%Y in (0,1,%height%) do echo(!line%%Y!%\n%echo Mode=!Difficulty!%\n%echo Score=!score!

set test=%\n%for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 (for /f "tokens=1-3" %%1 in ("!args!") do (%\n%  for %%A in ("!line%%2:~%%1,1!") do if "!%%3:%%~A=!" neq "!%%3!" %clrErr% else %setErr%%\n%)) else set args=
set plot=%\n%for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 (for /f "tokens=1-3" %%1 in ("!args!") do (%\n%  set "part2=!line%%2:~%%1!"%\n%  set "line%%2=!line%%2:~0,%%1!!%%3!!part2:~1!"%\n%)) else set args=

::--------------------------------------:: start the gamesetlocal enableDelayedExpansioncall :initialize

::--------------------------------------:: main loop (infinite loop)for /l %%. in (1 0 1) do (
  %=== compute time since last move ===%  for /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("!time: =0!") do set /a "t2=(((1%%a*60)+1%%b)*60+1%%c)*100+1%%d-36610100, tDiff=t2-t1"  if !tDiff! lss 0 set /a tDiff+=24*60*60*100
  if !tDiff! geq !delay! (    %=== delay has expired, so time for movement ===%
    %=== establish direction ===%    %getKey% ASDW    for %%K in (!key!) do if "!%%KAxis!" neq "!axis!" (      set /a "xDiff=xDiff%%K, yDiff=yDiff%%K"      set "axis=!%%KAxis!"    )
    %=== erase the tail ===%    set "TX=!snakeX:~-2!"    set "TY=!snakeY:~-2!"    set "snakeX=!snakeX:~0,-2!"    set "snakeY=!snakeY:~0,-2!"    %plot% !TX! !TY! space
    %=== compute new head location and attempt to move ===%    set /a "X=PX+xDiff, Y=PY+yDiff"    set "X= !X!"    set "Y= !Y!"    set "X=!X:~-2!"    set "Y=!Y:~-2!"    (%test% !X! !Y! playerSpace) && (
      %=== move successful ===%
      %=== remove the new head location from the empty list ===%      for %%X in ("!X!") do for %%Y in ("!Y!") do set "empty=!empty:#%%~X %%~Y=!"
      (%test% !X! !Y! food) && (        %=== moving to food - eat it ===%
        %=== restore the tail ===%        %plot% !TX! !TY! body        set "snakeX=!snakeX!!TX!"        set "snakeY=!snakeY!!TY!"
        %=== increment score and locate and draw new food ===%        set /a "score+=1, F=(!random!%%(emptyCnt-=1))*6+1"        for %%F in (!F!) do (%plot% !empty:~%%F,5! food)        
      ) || (        %=== moving to empty space ===%
        %=== add the former tail position to the empty list ===%        set "empty=!empty!#!TX! !TY!"      )
      %=== draw the new head ===%      if defined snakeX (%plot% !PX! !PY! body)      %plot% !X! !Y! head
      %=== Add the new head position to the snake strings ===%      set "snakeX=!X!!snakeX!"      set "snakeY=!Y!!snakeY!"      set "PX=!X!"      set "PY=!Y!"
    ) || (
      %=== failed move - game over ===%      %plot% !TX! !TY! body      call :spinner !PX! !PY! death      %draw%      echo(      color 2c      echo Note: If you quit now, your score will be       echo saved in the last score file of !difficulty!      echo If you press Y, you will go back to the start menu.      echo If you don't want to override your old file of !difficulty!, then hit Y      call :ask "Game Over, your score is: !score! on !difficulty!            Would you like to play again? (Y/N)" YN      color 2e      if /i "!key!" equ "N" (        >"%highscoreFile%"  (echo %DATE% %Time% Last score is:!score! on !difficulty!.)        >"%cmdFile%" (echo quit)        exit      ) else (        call :initialize      )    )
    set /a t1=t2  ))
:ask  Prompt  ValidKeys
>"%cmdFile%" (echo prompt)<nul set /p "=%~1 ":purge(%getKey% :)if not defined key goto :purge:getResponse(%getKey% %2)if not defined key (  >"%cmdFile%" (echo one)  goto :getResponse)exit /b::ZemByte
:spinner  X  Y  ValueVarset /a d1=-1000000for /l %%N in (1 1 5) do for %%C in (%spinner%) do (  call :spinnerDelay  %plot% %1 %2 %%C  %draw%)call :spinnerDelay(%plot% %1 %2 %3)exit /b
:spinnerDelayfor /f "tokens=1-4 delims=:.," %%a in ("!time: =0!") do set /a "d2=(((1%%a*60)+1%%b)*60+1%%c)*100+1%%d-36610100, dDiff=d2-d1"if %dDiff% lss 0 set /a dDiff+=24*60*60*100if %dDiff% lss %spinnerDelay% goto :spinnerDelayset /a d1=d2exit /b

::-------------------------------------:initializetitle Snake Game    -CYANOTECHclsecho         CYANOTECH
echo         Options:echo(                      echo    @   Description    delayecho   ___  ___________    ______echo    1   Mega slow C       0.20echo    2   Crawler   Y      0.16echo    3   Slow      N      0.12echo    4   Normal    O      0.07echo    5   Fast      Y      0.05echo    6   Insane    T      0.03echo    0   Imossible C     noneecho(echo    To exit the game, hit the close button.echo    Do not delete the "cmd" and/or echo    the "key" file!echo(call :ask "Pick a speed (1-6, 0):" 12345607set "difficulty=!desc%key%!"set "delay=!delay%key%!"echo %key% - %difficulty%echo(<nul set /p "=Initializing."set "axis=X"set "xDiff=+1"set "yDiff=+0"set "empty="set /a "PX=1, PY=height/2, FX=width/2+1, FY=PY, score=0, emptyCnt=0, t1=-1000000"set "snakeX= %PX%"set "snakeY= %PY%"set "snakeX=%snakeX:~-2%"set "snakeY=%snakeY:~-2%"for /l %%Y in (0 1 %height%) do (  <nul set /p "=."  set "line%%Y="  for /l %%X in (0,1,%width%) do (    set "cell="    if %%Y equ 0        set "cell=%bound%"    if %%Y equ %height% set "cell=%bound%"    if %%X equ 0        set "cell=%bound%"    if %%X equ %width%  set "cell=%bound%"    if %%X equ %PX% if %%Y equ %PY% set "cell=%head%"    if not defined cell (      set "cell=%space%"      set "eX= %%X"      set "eY= %%Y"      set "empty=!empty!#!eX:~-2! !eY:~-2!"      set /a emptyCnt+=1    )    if %%X equ %FX% if %%Y equ %FY% set "cell=%food%"    set "line%%Y=!line%%Y!!cell!"  ))(%draw%)echo(echo Movement keys: %up%=up %down%=down %left%=left %right%=rightecho Avoid running into yourself (%body%%body%%head%) or wall (%bound%)echo Eat food (%food%) to grow.echo(call :ask "Press any alpha-numeric key to start... A/Z" %keys%>"%cmdFile%" (echo go)exit /b

setlocal enableDelayedExpansionset "cmd=hold"set "key="for /l %%. in (1 0 1) do (  if "!cmd!" neq "hold" (    %choice% /n /c:!keys!    set "key=!errorlevel!"  )  if exist "%cmdFile%" (    <"%cmdFile%" set /p "cmd="    del "%cmdFile%"  )  if "!cmd!" equ "quit" exit  if defined key (    if "!cmd!" equ "prompt" >&9 (echo :)    >&9 (echo !key!)    if "!cmd!" neq "go" set "cmd=hold"    set "key="  ))


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